"It was very helpful for Colleen to share her experiences and actions she has taken. The Bootstrapping Your Business Eagles Nest helped to move the content from "theory" to "practice"."
"The Marketing Eagles Nests is terrific! It really helped me get the theory that was just outside my grasp into focus so I could use it!"
"The Productivity Nest shared a simple yet complex system of organizing your life. It was innovative in that it allowed you to get everything out of your mind and minimize interruptions so you would have less stress and become more productive."
"The Personality Styles Eagles Nest left me with a more complete understanding of what is possible with the DISC personality profile, with continual reference to real-life applications I could relate to. The DISC profile speaks for itself however if you want to explore practical applications for the process with everything from understanding yourself better to employing team members or navigating family relationships getting involved with this Eagles Nest is a must!"
"Anyone interested in speaking would definitely benefit from the mountain of information that was shared in this nest. I have new insights into the world of speaking and a new appreciation for speakers. Thanks so much for providing this opportunity."
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SEPTEMBER 13, 2022
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